Monday, April 6, 2009

Primary Source Discussion

Hey students,

Sorry I didn't get this up earlier, but here is a link to the primary source we will be discussing next Monday. Now I know it is very long and hard to understand at points but DO YOUR BEST! During the discussion there will be no right or wrong answers. I expect everyone to have read the source and have something to contribute to the discussion. The discussion will be worth 20 points and you will be graded on how many comments you make and the quality of the comments.

Thanks alot & Good Luck

Field Trip

Hello students,

Just a little reminder about the field trip coming up next Friday. Here is a list of some things you must have done in order to go:

- A signed permission slip from your parents/legal guardians
- A signed release slip from your other classes
- All your assignments must be turned in (NO MISSING ASSIGNMENTS!)
- Don't forget to bring $5 for lunch or a sack lunch
- Dress adequately - I think the temperature should be pretty decent so hopefully we stay lucky

Students who don't have all these items will be forced to stay in the library or ISS for the day, so try to get it all in and done. It's an easy way to earn 30 points!

Cold War Political Cartoon

Hello students,

Here is the posting for the assignment I mentioned in class. This assignment can only be done on this blog website. You must deciphere and understand this political cartoon from the Cold War about Truman and tell me what you think by posting a comment.

Good Luck!

Final Project

There were some questions in class the other day about options for the final project so I will try to clarify it. I am allowing a lot of freedom and creativity for the final project but some options inlcude:
- A paper
- A diagram/poster/painting or other visual aid
- A song
- A video
- A picture video to music - I have provided a link in the LINKS section to download Microsoft Photo Story 3 for FREE.

If you have any other ideas i have not addressed yet feel free to talk to me before, during, or after class.

Thanks a lot & Good Luck!


Hello parents and students,

Here is a list of our major assignments for the semester:

Aug. 26 Final Project Proposal Due
Sep. 3&4 - Stanford Nine Testing
Sep. 15 - Test 1
Sep. 21 - Guest Speaker
Sep. 29 - Group Project Due
Oct. 5 - Field Trip to County History Museum
Oct. 13 - Class Discussion over Guest Speaker & Field Trip
Oct. 19 - Test 2
Oct. 29 - Movie - 13 Days
Nov. 20 - Test 3
Nov. 30 - Library Time for Paper/Project
Dec. 8 - Final Paper Due
Dec. 10 - Final Project Due
Dec. 16 - Final Review
Dec. 18 - Final